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small formats.!

small formats.!

Johann Feilacher (ed.)

The small format marked the origin of Gugging Art. Originally used in test drawings, the miniature soon took on a life of its own: the ultimate gist. On just 10.5 by 14.8 centimetres (4.1 by 5.8 inches), nothing can be hidden or masked, the artist must consciously show everything. Stroke, colouring, every detail must be precise to create a piece of significance. Around three hundred works by more than twenty artists see the visitor through a realm of humorous small formats – a land of smiles, ruled by the Gugging Artists.


small formats, Feilacher, Johann (editor): small formats.!, Residenzverlag, 432 pages, format 105x148 mm, hard cover, EUR 24.90, ISBN: 9783701733248
